Almost a do-over…

I’m almost done with my do-over pullover. And by that, I mean I only have to block it! (Yay!) Hopefully, this weekend will be it, and I can wear it — and write about it here — proudly. 🙂 Oh wait, it’s already getting hotter, and it’ll be summer soon. 😀 Well, I’ll get to wear it sometime this year anyway…

Almost a Do-over Pullover!
Almost a Do-over Pullover!

I just love the color of the yarn, and the gently weaving cables. ❤ Though the sleeves don’t show here, they each have one cable column in them. (I’m waiting for the blocking to be done so I can click a good picture with them. Right now, they’re kinda folding in on themselves.) But phew, did it take a long time to get here or what!

I was ready for a reduction in my knitting time this year, because I’ve joined Polymer Clay Adventure 2017 and intend to try my hand at all 24 projects over the year. With my newfound interest in claying, and my excitement to build upon things I learn from the course — and of course, researching techniques and tools, and browsing stores for stuff — I’ve gotten pretty behind in my knitting. :-/ Especially since my yarn projects are mostly big items like sweaters, and tops, and shawls, any progress that I make is not very visible at all.

However, I’ve made a conscious decision to not push myself too hard to devote time to everything. Dialing up my crazy-level might actually be interesting, but I don’t have the time to handle crazier-me just yet. If I spend less time knitting, even if it’s only an hour or two every week, so be it. As long I have fun while I’m on it! 😉

6 thoughts on “Almost a do-over…

  1. Ohhhh the cables! ❤ beautiful! can't wait to see the finished pullover, no matter how long it takes 😉 The important thing is to enjoy it – you know best what amount of knitting suits you, so there's no point in pushing yourself too hard.

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    1. Ohh indeed! Always fun to experience the like-minded reactions of fellow cable-lovers, Kat! 😉
      Having fun is why we do this, so I agree, pushing ourselves too hard and turning it into a chore defeats the purpose. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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